Friday, January 5, 2007

Diet Myths Exposed – High Protein Diet, Low Carb Diet, Cabbage Soup Diet

What a world we’ve all find yourself and what most of us are deliberately making of the world just to
assuage out selfish motives? One of the most fascinating industries is the weight loss industry. It is filled with various unending myths, hearsay and sound bites.

We all have heard them a thousand times, but does that make those stories true? I mean can you claim that it’s really a good idea to ban sugar completely from your diet? Is it really a good thing to stay completely from fat and alcohol forever?

This seems to me like an invitation to failure!

Only very few number can swear off certain foods for a long periods and able to stick to the oath. Most of actually desire (and need) a little treat now and then. And it is a nice to get yourself a good treat once in while, provided you don’t turn treats into an everyday affair.

The basic idea of any diet is to eat food that contains fewer calories. Why this? Because calories in themselves help your body maintains its current weight. The body is forced to use the accumulated fat in order to make up for the energy it doesn’t get from food. And a diet also should be tasty and nutritionally sound.

Just placing a blanket ban some food types and ingredients is not a proven solution. Those following such a diet will have to acknowledge sooner or later that they actually desire such foods and ingredients badly and will subsequently reverse into their old eating habits.

The myths about meal replacement

I strongly advice you should refrain from putting your faith into meal replacements such as Mypoplex, Slimfast or Eat-Smart. These are combinations of low-fat and high-protein substances and cannot replace a proper diet formula.

You must never use for more than 4 weeks repeatedly. Calories are vital to your body and health, and nobody can go on for long without them. Cutting off calories your long-term nutrition is a huge mistake because the internal organs and muscles need them to function.

If one uses meal replacements for one or two week or two as a shock treatment may be consider okay. But relying on them for 2 whole months is asking for trouble. And the same goes for single-food diets, such as the cabbage soup diet, because they are based on the same idea.

Hollywood weight loss myth

Here is another well-known myth which preaches that the best approach to weight loss is a low-carb, high-protein diet. This diet myth actually originated from the Hollywood slimming industry. Most of the movie stars and singers are on variant of such diet.

In reality this diet plan isn’t exactly beneficial for you. The reason is because a diet low in carbohydrates and calories forces the body to use existing carbs located in the liver and the muscles. In time, this diet leads to weight loss mainly from water stored in the body, instead of fat, and also strains the internal organs.

And you should not be afraid of potatoes, pasta and bread, the major sources of carbohydrates. Carbs are actually good for you because they suppress the feeling of hunger without adding too many calories. So you can safely eat moderate amounts of potatoes and bread as long as you avoid butter or sauces, which are loaded with fats. I also advice that you should naturally care how these foods are prepared.

French fries are not a low-fat food. Still, a high-carb, low-fat diet is far better than banning potatoes and bread from your daily meals and it’s also easier to stick to...

The water myths

Drinking a certain quantity of water every day is a good idea because it keeps the body hydrated and fills the stomach. Water also keeps the intestines healthy by facilitating the movements of undigested food to the exit point.

However, simply drinking water does not trigger weight loss. There is only one way to lose weight and that is to burn up the existing fat and water cannot do that. Nor should a diet be judged solely by how much weight is lost per week.

Some people claim that a diet can be considered effective if the weekly loss of weight is above two pounds. Frankly, two pounds per week is a lot of weight to lose and you can be sure that not all of it is fat, but also the lean tissue that makes up the muscles.

The claims that Fats is bad for you myths

Another myth claims that fat is absolutely bad for you. It’s not. Quite on the contrary, the body needs some fat in order to get the important fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K circulating through the cardiovascular system.

Moreover, fat also brings into the body the essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 that cannot be synthesized in the body. The word “essential” means that these fatty acids simply have to be present in your daily food since they play an important role in your health. The recommended dose of fat is 35 percent of your daily calories.

The no-exercise myth

And last of all comes the idea that a diet or eating plan is enough in itself and does not have to be coupled with exercising. But exercising is the most effective way of burning up the extra calories stored as fat. Simply sitting at your desk all day long is not going to do the trick, regardless of what diet you’re on.

Remember that a diet that has plenty of food (the right kind of food) and plenty of exercise is far better than sitting on the sofa and drinking cabbage soup every six hours. It works faster and is less stressful to your body.

So if you are ready to do 20 to 30 minutes workout with an excellent dietary program proven to assist you lose your excess weight, click to this excellent program now.

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