Saturday, January 20, 2007

Some Vital Truths About Low Fat Meals

Some Vital Truths About Low Fat Meals

Diet Loss Weight Retain Muscle
Diet & Exercise: Lose Weight, Retain Lean Muscle
It is incredible how weight loss programs and ‘magic bullets’ diets are daily giving birth to like piglets. Who can blame what is happening in the weight loss industry. After all overweight and obesity have really become HUGE problems in the western world of America and Europe. And it’s spreading far and wide like a hurricane.

Have you heard about debate for and against tens of diet plans such as the low fat meals?

From every corner there are new or old or regurgitated diet ideas shouting for your attention.

We have the low carbs, the atkins diets plan, low fat meals, the water based diet and many more that cannot contain this space. However, most of these diet plans are filled with gimmickry. In reality, most are not proven to really help you loss weight and keep or improve your health at the same time.

In this article, I want to base my instructions around the low fat meal diet. The low fat meal was the brainchild of Dr. Nathan Pritikin. He introduced the low fat meal in the 1070’s and was dedicated for dieters on 2 main angles: a) Dieting and b) Exercise.

Ordinarily, the low fat meal would sound great and secure for anyone

How do I mean. Because fat is actually the core enemy of weight gain and obesity. In fact, it is clinically tested that too much fats, which turn into saturated fats do causes grave health risks. For example, would you want to face the dreaded stroke, heart disease? Even saturated fats can cause or induce certain cancers. So, based on these facts, one will say that low fat meal is good.

Should fats be totally cut off your meal? 

The answer is an emphatic NO! Fat is actually good for your body if the right fats are consumed in the right measures. Fats help us grow, gives energy, help the brain and eye development. It also helps to keep your hair and skin healthy, while assisting in the absorption of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

Food rich good fats are cold water fish, vegetable oils and soy beans. You can take supplements. Generally the foods good fats are not saturated wit too much calories.

The problem with Pritikin low fat meal?

With the low fats meal slogan, most people believe that they should abstain or overly reduce the intake of fats.

Eating so called ‘fat replacements’ do not augur well for you. In reality, they only replace natural fats with more calories and sugar. At the end, such foods only induced you to over-indulge in eating much more saturated fats (not nutritious fats), which end up resulting in more weight and health risks.

Some simple but effective diet guide

1. Choose your diet well.

2. Be discipline to follow a genuine weight loss program that comes with proven diet plan.

3. Eat less and less of foods filled with saturated foods like those in MacDonald’s.

4. Do not replace fats enriched natural foods with any low fats meal dietary plan.

5. Chose only proven weight loss plan that shows you the best and complete low fat meal to eat that will secure your physical shape and improve your health.

Finally, if you desire additional fitness plan such as lean muscle, weight loss and muscle bulking supplements, click here now.

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